Meet Kumari: The Living Goddess of Nepal

Are you curious to know about the mystical Kumari, the living goddess of Nepal? Discover the ancient traditions and beliefs surrounding this revered figure. Her divine powers and rituals that maintain supernatural existence. Join us on a journey of Nepalese culture and spirituality. Continue reading Kumari’s solving mystery.

Kumari Living Goddess of Nepal

Nepal has a tradition of worshiping a living goddess named Kumari. She is believed to be an incarnation of the Hindu goddess Taleju. Both Hindus and Buddhists worship her. It is believed that she have divine powers. She is seen as the savior of the country. In this article we will learn about the life of a Kumari. How Kumari is chosen, and what her responsibilities are.

Kumari Living Goddess of Nepal

The Home of Kumari

The house of Kumari is called Kumari Ghar and is located in Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square in Kathmandu. It is a stunning example of traditional Newari architecture, with intricately carved wooden windows and doors. This Kumari Gharka has a very important place in Nepalese culture.

It is a three-story building with intricate wood carvings and a beautiful courtyard. The Kumari Ghar has been home to several Kumaris over the years and is considered a sacred place.

Becoming a Kumari

Kumari is not the real name of the living goddess. It is the name of a goddess, and the small girl who is chosen to become the Kumari must meet certain criteria. She must be from the Shakya family, be very beautiful, and have no marks on her face or body.

The selection process is rigorous. The girl is taken into a dark and scary room and left there for a night. If she stays there bravely until the morning, she is chosen as the Kumari. This tradition has been followed for centuries and is still practiced today.

Life as a Kumari

Once a girl becomes the Kumari, she cannot attend a school like other children. She studies inside the Kumari Ghar and has her own teacher. She has very few friends, and they come to Kumari Ghar to play with her. Many people take care of Kumari, but she cannot live with her parents at home. She has to live in Kumari Ghar.

Being a Kumari is not easy. She has to wear heavy jewelry and clothes and cannot go out like other children. She cannot speak too much and is expected to maintain a certain level of serenity at all times. The Kumari comes out of the Kumari Ghar only during the Indra Jatra festival.

Will Sonbuchner (Sonny Side) meet Living Goddess of Nepal
Will Sonbuchner (Sonny Side) meet the Kumari Living Goddess of Nepal

The Indra Jatra Festival

The Indra Jatra festival is held annually in Kathmandu to celebrate the end of the monsoon season. During this festival, the Kumari is taken out of Kumari Ghar and carried in a Rath (a traditional cart) around the New Road area. People worship Kumari and come to get her blessings. The Kumari is not allowed to walk on the ground, and people do not want to make her feet dirty. Therefore, she is carried in the Rath.

The End of Kumari’s Reign

A Kumari reigns until she reaches puberty, and once she does, she can no longer be the Kumari. When the little girl grows up, another girl is chosen to become the new Kumari. The old Kumari returns to her parent’s home after the new Kumari comes. This is a bittersweet moment for both the old and the new Kumari. Because the old Kumari has to give up her divine status and the new Kumari has to adjust to her new life.


Who is Kumari, and why is she important in Nepal?

Kumari is a living goddess in Nepal. Kumari is worshiped by both Hindus and Buddhists. She is believed to be an incarnation of the Hindu goddess Taleju. It is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to those who seek her blessings. The tradition of Kumari dates back to medieval times. and is deeply rooted in Nepalese culture and religion. Kumari is an important part of Nepali identity. It is revered as a symbol of Nepal’s cultural and religious heritage. Her presence is believed to be necessary to maintain the spiritual balance of the country.

What happens if the Kumari fails to pass the tests?

If a girl fails to pass the tests required to become Kumari, then she will not be selected as Kumari. However, she can try again the next year if she still meets the eligibility criteria.

What happens if the Kumari becomes sick or injured?

If the Kumari becomes sick or injured, it is believed that the goddess has left her body. The search for a new Kumari begins, and the current Kumari returns to her family and resumes a normal life.

How is the Kumari treated by the Nepalese government?

The Nepalese government recognizes the Kumari as a cultural and religious icon and provides security and other benefits to her. However, the government does not interfere in the Kumari’s traditional role or daily life.

Can visitors take pictures of the Kumari?

No, visitors are not allowed to take pictures of the Kumari as it is considered disrespectful. However, visitors can take pictures of the Kumari Ghar and the Kumari chariot during the Indra Jatra festival.

How has the role of Kumari evolved over time?

The role of Kumari has evolved over time, but the tradition has remained largely unchanged. In the past, the Kumari had more political power and was even involved in the selection of the Nepalese king. However, with the advent of democracy in Nepal, the Kumari’s role has become more ceremonial and religious.


Kumari is a unique and fascinating tradition in Nepal that has been practiced for centuries. The living goddess is seen as a protector in the country of Nepal. And it is worshiped by both Hindus and Buddhists. The life of a Kumari is not easy, as she has to give up her normal childhood and follow strict rules. However, being a Kumari is considered an honor and a divine blessing.

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