Nineteen Kilometers (12 miles) southwest of Bhairawa is Lumbini, The birthplace of lord buddha (Siddharth Gautam) in 540 BC. Since 1958 Lumbini has been in the hands of an international committee established by the Fourth World Buddhist Conference and initially funded by a substantial contribution from King Mahendra.
Evidence of buddha birth place in Lumbini
At the turn of the century, German archaeologist, Dr Feuhre, Began excavating the ruins to the area, including the Lumbini Palace and Gardens, Several Shrines and a monastery. He discovered a sandstone sculpture depicting Buddha’s nativity (now in the National Museum) and a soaring obelisk erected to honors Buddha by Mauryan Emperor Ashoka when they visited the Lumbini gardens in 249 BC.
The pillar, inscribed in Brahin, “Buddha Sakyamuni, the blessed one was born here,” had been split in two probably by lighting. Later excavation has revealed a brick temple, Maya Devi – said to mark the exact spot where the Buddha was born.