Important Nepal Trekking Gear List and Equipment

What Gear Needed for Hiking in Nepal? – Are you Planning Backpacking in Nepal? Today we will discuss exactly what hiking gear you needed for backpacking Nepal. Today we want to cover about Important Nepal Trekking Gear List and Equipment needed for Hiking Nepal.

Nepal Trekking Gear List for Hiking

Trekking along Nepal’s rough, rocky trails demands that you wear strong, comfortable boots with good soles. At low altitude, tennis shoes or running shoes provide adequate cushioning for the feet. But good boots are essential at higher elevations. In the snow; they should be large enough to allow one or two layers of heavy woollen or cotton – never nylon – socks. Wearing light casual shoes or sneakers after the day’s hike will help rest your feet.

for women, wrap-around skirts are preferable to slacks or shorts, which offend many mountain communities. Men should wear loose-fitting trousers or hiking shorts. For clothing, two light layers are better than a single thick one. If you get too hot, you can peel the top layer off. At extremely high altitudes wear thermal underwear. It’s best to carry too many clothes than not enough. Drip-dry fabrics are best.

Nepal Trekking Gear List and Equipment

Your pack should be as small as possible, light and easy to open. The following gear is recommended.

What Gear Needed for Hiking in Nepal

  1. Two pairs of woolen or corduroy trousers or skirts
  2. 2 warm sweaters
  3. 3 drip-dry shirts or T-shirts
  4. ski or thermal underwear (especially from November to February)
  5. 6 pairs of woolen socks
  6. 1 pair of walking shoes
  7. an extra pair of sandal
  8. light casual shoes or sneakers
  9. a woolen hat
  10. gloves or mittens
  11. a strong, warm sleeping bag with hood
  12. a thin sheet of foam rubber for a mattress
  13. a padded anorak or parka
  14. a plastic raincoat
  15. sunglasses
  16. toilet gears
  17. some towels
  18. medical kit
  19. water bottle and
  20. a light day pack
  21. a flashlight,
  22. candles,
  23. lighter,
  24. pocket knife,
  25. scissors,
  26. spare shoelaces,

In addition to these, you should carry string safety pins toilet paper and plastic bags to protect your food, wrap up wet or dirty clothes, carry your litter, and protect your food, tents and photographic equipment. It is possible to buy much of this in Kathmandu. Cooking and eating utensils are normally provided by the trekking agency and carried by the porters.

14 Best Hiking Medical Kit

Best medical kit for backpacking you should include

  1. painkillers (for high-altitude headaches)
  2. mild sleeping pills (for high-altitude sleeplessness)
  3. streptomagna (for diarrhea)
  4. Septra (for bacillary dysentery)
  5. tinidazole (for amoebic dysentery)
  6. throat lozenges and cough drops
  7. ophthalmic ointment or drops
  8. one broad-spectrum antibiotic
  9. alcohol (for massaging feet to prevent blisters)
  10. blister pads
  11. bandages
  12. antiseptic solution and cotton
  13. a good sunblock
  14. and a transparent lip salve.

Best Trekking Places in Nepal

Always carry your trekking permit in a plastic bag where you can get to it easily. Lock your bag against theft or accidental loss. Make sure you have plenty of small currency for minor expenses along the way.

Best Food to Bring For Backpacking

What food to pack for backpacking, How much food to bring for backing Let’s discuss all about it.

Carry a good supply of high-energy food like chocolate, dried fruits, nuts, and whiskey or brandy for a warming nightcap.

water is contaminated so do not drink from streams no matter how clear or sparkling they look. Chlorine is not effective against amoebic cysts. All water should be well boiled or treated with iodine: four drops per liter (1/4 gallon) and left for twenty minutes before drinking.

But note that at high altitude water boils at temperatures below 100 c (212 F) not hot enough to kill bacteria. A pressure cooker solves the problem and also cooks food quicker.

Walk at your own pace. Drink as much liquid as possible to combat high altitude and heat dehydration. Never wait for blisters to develop but pamper tender feet with and alcohol message.

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