Top 5 Historical Temple in Kathmandu Valley

Historical Temple in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Temple and dwellings merge into one another in what must be one of the world’s most bewitching urban landscapes. Every byway in the Kathmandu valley turns up religious icons. Like Bhaktapur’s Jamuna goddess, mounted on a turtle.

Historical Temple in Kathmandu

5 Historical temple in Kathmandu

  1. Seto Machhendranath Temple
  2. Bodhnath Temple
  3. Changu Narayan Temple
  4. Swayambhunath Temple
  5. Pashupatinath Temple

Seto Machhendranath Temple

At the other end of the Chowk, to the east past, a small shrine smeared with blood is one of Nepal’s most revered temples. Seto Machhendranath is at the center of a monastic courtyard. With its entrance guarded by two splendid brass lions.

Each evening, beneath the porch that leads to the courtyard, groups of musicians gather and chant sacred verses. Gazing at the temple as it rises behind a for the ground of steles, Chaityas (smaller stupas) and carved pillars. It has a copper roof that glows in the evening sun.

The shrine guards the image of Kathmandu valley’s most compassionate deity, Padmapani Avalokiteshvara. It also is known as Jammadyo or Machhendra. Once a year, around March and April, the image is taken from the temple for chariot processions through the city during the Seto Machhendra festival. It was built at an unknown date. The temple was restored in the early seventeenth century.

Around the inside courtyard are many shops selling a variety of goods. Such as wool, paper prints, cloth, string, ribbons, beads, curios, Nepali caps, and pottery. Near the temple, on a street corner has a small Tantric temple. It’s the three-storied Lunchun Lunbun Ajima. Which carries, between portraits of the king and queen, erotic carvings.

Bodhnath Stupa

Bodhnath Stupa

Bodhnath Stupa largest stupa in Nepal. An immense mound surrounded by a self-contained Tibetan township and ringed by the inevitable prayer wheels. Each given a twirl as devotees circle the shrine clockwise.

Most worshippers here are from Tibet. The Bodhnath lama is said to be a reincarnation of the original Dalai Lama. For the stupa’s obscure origins are tenuously linked to Lhasa, the ancestral home of the now exiled spiritual leader.

Legend says the stupa was constructed by the daughter of a swineherd, a woman named Kangnam. She asked the king of Nepal for as much land as the hide of a buffalo would cover on which to build the stupa. When the king agreed, Kangma sliced the hide into thin ribbons. Which were joined into one and laid out to form the square in which the stupa stands?

Legend says that a relic of the Buddha lies within the solid dome, which symbolizes water and is reached by 13 steps. Again symbolizing the 13 stages of enlightenment from which the monument derives its name, both meaning enlightenment, and Nath, meaning god.

Changu Narayan Temple

Changu Narayan Temple History

One of the historically significant temples in Kathmandu is the Changu Narayan Temple. This temple is considered the oldest temple in Nepal and holds immense historical and religious importance. Situated on a hilltop in the Bhaktapur district, Changu Narayan Temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu.

Pashupatinath Temple

Pashupatinath Temple

The Pashupatinath Temple, located in Kathmandu, Nepal, is the oldest Hindu temple in the city. While the exact date of its construction is uncertain, it is believed to have been founded as early as the 5th century. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva in his form as Pashupati, the protector of animals. It holds significant religious and cultural importance and is situated on the banks of the Bagmati River. The temple’s architecture follows a pagoda style and has undergone renovations over the centuries. The site is a hub for pilgrims and visitors and continues to be a prominent symbol of Hindu spirituality and devotion.

Swayambhunath Temple

Swyambhunath Stupa

Swayambhunath Stupa, also known as the Monkey Temple, is an ancient religious complex situated atop a hill in the Kathmandu Valley, west of Kathmandu city, Nepal. It is one of the oldest and most significant religious sites in Nepal. The Tibetan name “Swayambhu” translates to “Sublime Trees,” reflecting the diverse tree species found on the hill. This stupa holds cultural and spiritual importance for Hindus, Vajrayana Buddhists, and Newari Buddhists.

The stupa’s history dates back to ancient times, and it is believed to have spontaneously evolved. It features a prominent white dome with a gilded spire, adorned with prayer flags and a pair of eyes representing the Buddha’s all-seeing wisdom. The stupa’s base is surrounded by prayer wheels, and visitors can climb a steep stairway to reach its pinnacle for panoramic views of the surrounding area. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a significant pilgrimage destination, reflecting Nepal’s rich spiritual and cultural heritage.

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